MBG - Learn how to build Redstone Machines, Buildings, Etc...
~ ~ ~ Right now we have 3 guides but we'll upload more every update! ~ ~ ~
The app is still on Beta (β) Version, please tell us if you find any bug in it.
Beta bugs that we are trying to fix:
* Phone video size is too big.
* Phone quality is low.
* Can't click on the full screen size button.
* Tablet design.
β Version 1.1:
* Changed the categories design.
* Uploaded one more guide (of 4 total guides)
β Version 1.0:
* First Beta version.
* Uploaded 3 Guides. (of 3 total guides)
* Working on a better design to the next version.
* Working on tablet's design.
* Database system that will update the app automatically.
* More Guides
* Mods/Modpacks guides
If you want to help us with the guides and to publish yourself on the app please contact us:
Don't forget to write a review and rate 5 stars, Have fun! ;)