Interurbanos, EMT Madrid, RENFE horarios & Metro Madrid in just one app
?Madrid MBC has all the information you need about Interurbanos, EMT Madrid, RENFE schedules, Metro Madrid and Bicimad in real time and in a single app.
?Whether you are from Madrid, a tourist, a student or in a business travel, this is your essential app to get around on public transport in Madrid.
?EL PAÍS: "Getting around the Community by public transport is easier with Madrid Metro Bus Cercanias".
Metro Madrid
• Arrival times by station and platform
• Calculation of journeys between two stations
• Schematic map, geographic, Metro Sur, Metro Oeste and tourist map
• Fares and timetables by lines
EMT Madrid and Interurbanos
• Waiting time and distance
• Maps of lines and interurbanos routes
• Scheduled timetables and prices
RENFE Timetables
• Waiting times per platform
• Cercanias route calculator
• Schematic and geographic map of Madrid's Cercanias network
• Location of nearest stations
• Availability of bikes per station
Transport card
• Contactless reading (NFC) on compatible cell phones or manually
• Pending travel trips (TTP Multi or Personal)
• Expiration date on multiple cards
Please, before making a negative comment write to [email protected] explaining the problem you are having and you will receive a response from our support.
This app gets its information from Open Data sources from transport companies. It has been developed independently without any link with them or the Public Administration.