Localguide helps in finding interested categories around your current location.
How many times we get stuck in a new place and call our friends to get directions to pubs, restaurants nearby and still be in an endless search.
Localguide puts an end to all this endless searches.
* LocalGuide takes two short keywords and directs you to the place you want to go with detailed map directions.
* It provides you the complete addresses, phone numbers, maps location. It identifies your location using GPS or Wifi.
* Make a call instantly.
* Send SMS/message the result to your friends right away.
* Update twitter,facebook status with the result informing (where you are presently ).
* Get directions to the place with neat and simple step by step instructions with clear paths shown using google map view.
* Bookmark your favourite Places and store them for fast consultation when in offline usage
A LITTLE ANIMATIONS are added during screen transitions.
Home Screen Widgets:
Localguide provides one of the interesting additional features is home screen widgets which has
* Support for 4x1 and 4x2 resolutions. Please see the previews.
* Provides instant results of your interested categories around your current location in home screen.
* Widgets has the capability to keep listening for your movement and detects the
location automatically and refreshes the results.
* If in case you dont want to scan for your location movement, you quickly turn of the
MOVEMENT DETECTION button on the widget.
* Multiple widgets can be added to display results for different categories.
EX: One widgets collects results for restuarants, one collects for theatres.
* Widgets provides an one button click option for calling and sharing through sms.
* Also provided favorite button which takes you to the favorites page to quickly get to your favorite destination.
* A single tap on the widget text will take you to the detailed option screen for you to get directions in maps.
Widgets are handly and quite useful. 4x1 and 4x2 gives you an option to keep your widgets compact at necessary place in workspace.
Any localisation for specific language or any improvements pls mail me - [email protected]
KEYWORDS: location, travel, nearby , restuarants, maps results, twitter sharing location, facebook sharing option.