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get the guide god of war 2

God of War 2 is a seamless adventure with no defined stages. To break up the walkthrough into consumable segments, we've separated the walkthrough into sections based on save points.

Each save point has a unique name that you can see when you load your game.

Match your save point to the list of save points below to find the section of the walkthrough you need.


Rhodes Bathhouse

Rhodes Palace

Eastern Ramparts

Return from Hades

Lair of the Titan

The Hand Cavern

Fire of Olympus

Typhon's Cavernous Prison

The Temple of Lahkesis

The Garden of Lahkesis

Pathway to the Steeds

The Steeds of Time

The Divine Pools

Destiny's Atrium

The Bog of the Forgotten

The Temple of Euryale

The Ruins of the Forgotten

River of the Forgotten

The Temple of Euryale

Lowlands Vista

Euryale's Defeat

Catacombs of the Fallen

Courtyard of Atropos

The Edge of Creation

Courtyard of Atropos

Crossing the Lowlands

The Great Chasm

The Face of Atlas

Inside the Mighty Titan

Ascension of Atlas

The Great Chasm

The East Auditorium

Auditorium of Lahkesis

The East Auditorium

The Garden of the Gods

Sacrifice to the Fates

The West Auditorium

Entrance to the Underground

The Phoenix Chamber

Releasing the Phoenix

Temple of the Fates

The Throne of the Fates

The Temple of the Oracle

The Throne of the Fates

Before the Loom

The Loom Chamber

The Summit of Sacrifice

What's New in the Latest Version 1.0

Last updated on Jul 8, 2017 laguia godof war