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Kitaabka Quduuska Ah - Somali Holy Bible

Kitaabka Quduuska Ah - Somali Bible

Select a book from Somali language:

Old Testament - Old Testament

GN [1] at the beginning

Ex [2] Exodus

Lv [3] Levites

Nm [4] count

Dt [5] the law in

Js [6] Joshua

Jg * [7] Judges

Rt [8] Russia

1sm [9] Samuel KOOO

2sm [10] Samaa

1kn [11] KOO kings

2kn [12] Kings of two

1CH [13] Chronicles

2CH [14] Chronicles

EZ [15] Ezra

Nh [16] Nehemiah

Es [17] Esther

Jb [18] Job

PS [19] Psalms

PR [20] Proverbs

EC [21] Preachers

Sn [22] Song of Solom

23] Isaiah

Jr [24] Jeremiah

Lm [25] Lamentations of Y

Ek * [26] Ezekiel

DN [27] Daniel

HS [28] Hosea

JL [29] Joel

Am [30] Amos

OB [31] Obbiah

JN [32] Jonah

MC [33] Micah

Na * [34] Nahum

HK * [35] Habakuk

Zp [36] Septanh

Hg [37] to her

ZC [38] Zechariah

Ml [39] Malache

New Testament - New Testament

Mt [40] Matthew

Mr [41] Mark

Lk [42] Luke

Jh [43] John

AC [44] Acts

RM [45] Rome

1cr [46] 1 Corinthians

2CR [47] 2 Corinthians

GL [48] Galatians

EP [49] Ephesus


CL [51] Colossi

1TH [52] 1 Thessalonians

2th [53] 2 Thessalonians

1TM [54] 1 Timothy

2TM [55] 2 Timothy

Tt [56] titus

Pl * [57] filemon

HB [58] Hebrews

Jm [59] Jacob

1pt [60] 1 Peter

2pt [61] 2 Peter

1Jh [62] 1 John

2jh [63] 2 John

3Jh [64] 3 John

Jd [65] Judas

RV [66] Revelation

This Kitaabka Quduuska Ah - Somali Holy Bible. The Application IS offline and DOES NOES NOEST THE International Connection.

Database Will BeLoaded When The Application IS First Time. We Recommyd You to Use Wi-Fi Connection.

Main Features:

1. History - Every Word You Ever Viewed Isled In History.

2. Favorites - You are ABLE TO Add Words to Favorites List By Clicking "Star" Icon.

3. Managing History and favorites Lilds - You are ARE ABLE EDIT EDIS LISTS or Clear Those.

4. Various Settings - You May Change Application Font and Theme One Several Color Themes).

5. Word Spelling, USING TEXT-to-Speech Module (Requires Internet Connection). POWERED by ISPEECH®.

6. Context Word Search - Click Anny Word to Translation Article and Search for ItLation.

7. Random Word of the Day Widget. To see the widget in the Application Must Balory to Phone Memory (Dictionary database maystalled antabre).

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What's New In The Latest version 1.104

Last Updated on Feb 20, 2020 database download Fixes.