Home Apps Practical Tools Keyboard Plus Designer

Only designer themes for your keyboard!

Designing is the act of creating anything that has art value. There is design in visual arts, fashion, sculpting and architecture, even in coding for app development. Beautiful works of art are designer pieces that enrich our lives and make it appealing. People love to customize their possessions with works of art and surround themselves with fine designer creations and great quality. We are glad to present to you the new and exciting Keyboard Plus Designer theme. You can install it on any of your Android devices. Download the new Keyboard Plus Designer theme and enjoy a new level of texting experience, only with Keyboard Plus. Get it today and see the amazing designer style!

I need help applying a Keyboard Plus theme. How do I do it?

To apply a Keyboard Plus theme, you need to follow these 3 simple steps:

1 download Keyboard Plus Designer from the Google Play store

2 open the Keyboard Plus Designer theme

3 press the Activate button from the Keyboard Plus Theme Manager

All of our themes come with custom fonts that match the style of the theme. Don't worry about anything, the special font will be displayed automatically after you apply the theme. This theme uses a free Google Font™: http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Varela

New layouts for various languages coming soon.

Have something to tell us? For suggestions or bugs, contact us at [email protected] and we will reply faster than you can say "Keyboard Plus" !

Can I change the size of the font?

Yes, from the Quick Settings tab (the 5th button from the option bar), you can control the Keyboard Size from the 3 possibilities: S - small, M - medium and L - large.