Jota is a text editor designed for a long text file.
Jota is a text editor designed for a long text file.
It's pronouced as "i-o-ta".
- Support until 1 million characters.
- Auto-Detect multiple character codes.
- Change character codes.
- Auto-Detect linebreak code.
- Change linebreak code.
- Keep linebreak code until saving a file.
- Save position of the cursor with file.
- Save history of recened files.
- Search/Replace (Support Regular Expression)
- Text sharing with external application.
★Direct Intent : You can launch any one application on menu item.
- Scroll with Thumb-drag.
- Scroll with Flick.
- Undo/Redo
- Support a Shortcut key with ALT/CTRL Key.
- Customize colors.
- Create a shortcut icon on HOME app.
- Customizable shortcut key bind.
- Text selector like Gingerbread.
(Double tap to select the word , then touch selected area to show marker.)
- Word wrap ON/OFF and set word wrap width.
- Set tab width.
- Viewer Mode.
- Show Line numbers.
- Word Counter.
- Support Landscape Mode correctly.
- Auto save.
- Auto Indent.
- Show Tab/Linebreak.
- Auto capitalize.
- you can used as SL4A editor.
- Customizable Toolbar.
- Customizable Syntax highlght.
- Capture Screen shot.
- Wallpaper customize.
- Support Android OS 1.6 or later.
- Support both touch-screen device and qwerty-keyboard device.
- Forever FREE and NO-AD.
- This software is an Open Source Software under the Apache License.
RTL-Language and bi-directional text is not supported.
★If you need a reply from me , DON'T put it in Market's Review .
Instead please let me know by E-mail or Twiter(@jiro_aqua)
You can send a message to me from Jota's Preferences Screen.
★If you need grep (search from multiple text files), try my app "aGrep".
★If you want to localize Jota Text Editor, see this page.