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Your specialized app to read up on the latest in International Relations!

IF YOU WANT IT TO WORK: Set default channel to one that works and disable the rest. Functioning channels as of 19 May 2021 are: Arms Control Wonk, Sean's Russia Blog, Foreign Affairs and World Economy news from Google. Disable all others for app to work properly. For aggregate column to work properly: Long-press on the channel to disable each broken one in the channels menu. These broken RSS links have changed and no longer pull from the websites. They still typically have websites you can visit on your own.

**Update: it looks like Google's news feeds are back.**

**Google has changed its algorithms so that specialized news feeds (such as world economy) now all post the same thing. For the best experience, disable these feeds and focus on the blogs.** *If it's taking too long to load, try disabling feeds from the Aggregate Tab by long-pressing them in the feed list. The idea is to give you the maximum choice in Int'l Affairs, you decide who to follow, & who's default.*

This app allows you to follow prominent voices in foreign affairs as well as related news and current affairs categories via RSS, while adding your own as well. Enable/Disable feeds from the Aggregate Tab by long-pressing a feed from the Channels option. It is based on the open source app, FeedGoal. Several new feeds have been added; if you installed the app a while ago, clear the cache or uninstall and reinstall for these new feeds to work. Last updated 7/15/2014


Feeds, some new:

War on the Rocks

Arms Control Wonk

The Duck of Minerva

Across the Aisle

Nukes of Hazard

Sean's Russia Blog

Ploughshares Fund, Early Warning

Rethinking Security

The Aviationist

Wings Over Iraq

The Bridge

WOTR Art of War

Missile Threat

Arms Control Now


WOTR Molotov Cocktail

Dart-Throwing Chimp

Listen to NPR Morning Edition

Foreign Affairs (general news)

World Economy (general news)

The Progressive Realist

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists




Enable/Disable feeds from the Aggregate Tab by long-pressing a feed from the Channels option!

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Share articles to other apps (imports title as well)

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