Indirect and phrases for status and moments of reflection.
Indiretas is a status and reflection phrase application with content related to various types of Indiretas .
In this application you will find phrases of Indiretas love, Indiretas friends and friendship, Indiretas for the repressed, ex boyfriends, etc.
There are more than 2,000 phrases for you to keep your status always up to date and always keep your profile humorous.
We will have weekly updates, if you want something additional, whether phrases or features, feel free to order in the comments.
Know all our messaging apps on the developer page, besides the Indiretas we have other apps you will love!
Enjoy and download our app now for free and keep all your status updated! From Facebook to WhatsApp!
Ah! The sentences work without you having to be on the internet! Totally offline!
- More than 2,000 sentences;
- Indiretas , repression, friendship, ex boyfriend, etc;
- Weekly updates;
- Copy and share on social networks (Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Pinterest, SMS, etc);
- Fully offline;
- vote of Indiretas ;
- Register your own indirect!;
- We'll get better with your opinion!
You can also have the premium version of our app:
Big hug and we thank you for your attention :)