IIIDEM Training Feedback- Post your feedback on IIIDEM training programs
IIIDEM conducts number of National and International training programs and capacity building workshops every year. In every such program, feedback from the audience is highly important for improving the quality of these programs. IIIDEM Training Feedback App helps the audience to express their opinion on various sessions as well as overall training program. With just few clicks this App records valuable inputs from the audience and saves it in the central library of IIIDEM for quality improvement purposes.
Participant Login:
Participants attending any of the training programs conducted by IIIDEM needs to register themselves using valid E-mail ID and phone number on the APP. Participants can select the relevant training program from the list of program in their dashboard after logging in. Once the Training officer validates the participant, two feedback forms will be available to the participants, ‘Session feedback Form’ and ‘Training Feedback Form’. Participants can use ‘Session Feedback Form’ to express their opinion about particular trainer and a sessions, whereas ‘Training Feedback Form’ can be used to provide feedback on the overall training program. Once the feedback form is submitted, it cannot be retrieved back by the participants.
Training Officer Login:
This is meant for training officers who manage various training programs. Training officers can log in with their official mobile number and create sessions as per the training schedule. Once the participants register for the prescribed training program of a particular officer, he/she can validate the participant by clicking on ‘Approve’ button in ‘My Participants’ list.
Admin Login:
Admin can login to create Training Officer Profiles and Training Programs. Various feedback forms submitted by participants can be viewed by admin only.