Home Apps Practical Tools Hong Kong Holidays Until 2015

When will the holiday come? Everyone should eager to know the answer,

When will the holiday come? Everyone should eager to know the answer, But they may need to spend sometimes on that.

Hong Kong Days Until is a days until app which is customized for Hong Kong users.

It provides the list of Hong Kong Public Holiday from the government.

Users can check when the holiday will come.

Moreover, the app also allow users to add events like Annual Leave and others memorial events.

Tasks in office or home could also be created.

The app will notify the users when the events are coming so that they will not miss anyone of those event.

Newly added widget can allow user to keep track when the next event come even easier

For more, please visit my FB http://goo.gl/WK8N7

(User need to place the three png, i.e. today.png,coming.png and notyet.png under the directory of sdcard/Android/HKDU,

then you can select your icon at change icon page).

What's New in the Latest Version 1.3.3

Last updated on Feb 1, 2016 1.3.3
- Bugs fixes

- You can share your friends to remind them when the days come

- For ICS or above, you can now import your favorite calendar to HKDU.

- Minor bug fixes
- Change some layout

- Added days of week for planning holiday easier.
- Support more image format

- Widget will be updated after event list is modified