♥Lovely, romantic, lyrical & cool hearts, HD live wallpaper for your background♥
Glamorize your phone now ! make your phone / tablet look beautiful!
This free version is fully functional. If you like it do not forget to support our work (help us to do more beautiful wallpapers) by purchasing the full (Pro) version which features:
- 10 predefined themes
- Flying animated hearts
- 13 amazing colorful backgrounds
- 8 on screen decoration elements
- Color picker for decorations
- 10 types of golden/silver hearts
- 7 types of golden/silver hearts with diamonds
- 14 types and 16 colors of hearts and flowers
- Customize speed, amount, size, and direction of hearts and flowers
- 7 styles of Photo Heart Locket for your beloved one or your own photo (with size, speed, and direction controls)
- Thousands of possible combinations
- Full support for Portrait / landscape mode and home-screen swiping!
- Supports most resolutions
- More features to be added in the future.
Our HD wallpapers (1920x1080 pixels) work great on phones / smartphones, tablets or any other devices that support live wallpapers. However, best performance is achieved on Galaxy S4, Galaxy Note 2, Sony Xpreria Z, HTC One, LG Nexus, and higher.
♥ If you enjoy this wallpaper Please leave your comment and check out our other products, it will help us. Thanks ! ♥
Cute, amazing background full of glittering shining stars, romantic style Valentine's Day and pretty, sweet heart,
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