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Also go always well informed - HAZ mobile for your Android Device

Everything around Hannover happens in an app Hannover Allgemeine Zeitung - with HAZ mobile you can stay informed.

• The download feature makes sure that you can read offline easily

• In the E-paper you will find the complete PDF version of the Hannover Allgemeine Zeitung

• With our push notifications you are always informed quickly of important events - you can choose yourself, for subject areas that you wish to receive news.

• Create your own themes: Imagine your own messages with the subject radar together. HAZ mobile offers you the opportunity to become a news division selected topics.

• Hanover in pictures - in the library you will find all picture galleries at a glance

• Using the search function you will find interesting articles quickly

• Under eating tips you read the restaurant recommendations of the HAZ editorial

• With the favorites feature, you can remember this article and place

• The HAZ detector is your direct line to editors

You can HAZ mobil FREE and WITHOUT OBLIGATION try four weeks. After your free trial period ends automatically and without any obligation.

If you want to choose after the free trial period for a subscription, there are several subscription options for you.

Please note:

• You have any (subscription) purchase in this app explicitly confirm. There are no hidden subscription trap!

• If you make a purchase with your Google Account, your Google Play account debited with the amount. A completed on Google Play subscription ends automatically.

For more information, see apps under www.haz.de /

What's New in the Latest Version 3.7.4

Last updated on Oct 8, 2022 Leistungsverbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen