Home Apps Educational Learning Hadits Shahih

Islamic learning easier with apps Sahih Hadith - Bukhari and Muslim.

Hadith Shaih a lightweight application contains the most comprehensive collection of authentic hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim. This hadith hadith we gather from the source of the most renowned and popular among Muslims, which is the book of Imam Riyadhus Righteous (large) An-Nawawi. Application of this hadeeth summarized in Indonesian version.

Sahih Hadith teaches us a lot about the sciences:

- Intention and sincerity

- The value of honesty

- The values ​​of patience

- Keistiqomahan

- Suggestions acts of kindness and charity

- Keep the suggestions Sunnah Prophet

- Hadith about women

- Etc.

We hope that this application helpful for you. However, while to get Islamic applications can be obtained easily, we recommend to keep not ignore the role of the teacher which much of the Islamic religious sciences other. The more complete your knowledge, the more stable your charity and the wisdom to address a variety of problems.

For colleagues iMajlis Mobile who want to contribute suggestions and criticisms, please send an email to [email protected] and do not forget to rate (rate) and comments regarding this application. Thank you.

What's New in the Latest Version 3.5.0

Last updated on Aug 10, 2021 Update SDK 30