Home Apps Travel Geocaching FTF - New Cache

Allows you to have a glance or an alert on the new caches around.

This application shows the last unfound caches in the country you will select from the menu.

To use it, just open the app, it will load the geocaches automatically.

► In your country people use GeoCaching as a meet up application and your list is full of event caches? The pro version has a filter for them. But attention, if events are too many they push the other caches outside the feed and they can't be retrieved anyway. I can't do anything about. Please check on the free app before buying the pro.

Ask before placing low rating, I am kind, communicative and I got an email address.

Note: the app doesn't run as a phone service so deactivate the powersave mode in case you want prevent your phone to stop the app checking. Happy Caching.

Development notes:

Geocaching.com no longer provides API support, you can read more about this here: https://www.geocaching.com/mobile/apidevelopers/

So new features implementation of the application will be suspended.

Right now you can:

► Archive new caches you are not interested in by long press the item in the list.

► Open the caches with your favorite program just by clicking on them.

► Open the menu for further functionalities.

The App is free, with the PRO version you can:

► Filter some of your favourite cache type (i.e., traditional cache, multi cache) [please read the note above]

► Set the check frequency (with a lower minimum)

► No Ads.

The application starts in Hong Kong. You can choose your country or state through the application settings. Write me by email for further information I'll be happy to answer you.

What's New in the Latest Version 0.17 beta

Last updated on Jan 23, 2017 -- Ver 0.17 Beta, 2017-01-08
Polish Translation, Thanks to Pawel!

-- Ver 0.16 Beta, 2016-04-05
Czech Translation, Thanks to Tom!
German Translation, Thanks to Stephen!