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The games magazine for Tablets

GameStar brings the world of PC games on your Android device!

With our free kiosk app you download the current GameStar edition to your home.

★ Fast: The Android tablet editions of GameStar you usually get already 4-5 days before the printed issues are available at the kiosk.

★ Convenient: Buy the latest issues from the couch directly settled in the app is using your Google account. For subscriptions, you do not need a credit card! Our subscription shop offers convenient Zahkungsoptionen such as direct debits.

★ Complete: You all expenses previously purchased wherever you accidentally deleted just download again down.

★ Save: You save compared to the printed editions, the app itself is free.

★ Organic: No consumption of paper and ink, no expensive pressure, no transport.

What's New in the Latest Version 6.2.0

Last updated on Sep 20, 2023 Mit der runderneuerten App für Android-Tablets und Smartphones macht GameStar jetzt noch mehr Spaß. Das neue technische Grundgerüst sorgt für bessere Performance und Stabilität. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Spielen!