The dating app for gamers, anime & manga fans, cosplayers and more - since 2015!
This app has only one goal:
To help you find the geek of your dreams.
This app was developed by Germans which means: No jokes. No scams. No fakes (but maybe some Lederhosen).
You won’t find any "gamifications" like minigames or other fluff to distract you from finding your perfect geek match.
("Eyes on the target please" - as Hans, our manager, keeps saying if we come up with weird ideas.)
What you will find is real, human geeks looking for someone to share their lives & loot with! Every (!) profile gets checked by our team to make sure it is real. That is a lot of wörk, wörk, wörk for Heidi, our moderator… and she loves every minute of it. This means you might have to wait a bit before your profile is approved. But if you’re serious about finding a geek partner, we think the delay is worth it.
The special Geek Match Algorithm immediately shows you which geeks will be the best match for you. The WARP SPEED MATCH feature shows you the geeks in your immediate area, and push notifications make sure you’re always up to date.
It's fast. It's effective. It's German quality wörk available for the whole world to enjoy!
Browse geeky profiles, check pictures, send “hailing frequencies” and even answer messages for free. Most features are free. But hey, all this wörk wörk needs to be paid for somehow, right? So we do have credits and memberships - but don 't worry, there are NO surprise renewals (we hates it foreveeeeer).
Leave it to Germans to finally get Dating for Nerds right!
You’re a gamer searching for a gamer dating app?
You’re an otaku searching for an anime and manga dating app?
You came to the right app!
Now go and have fun - it would make Hans so happy if you find your player 2 on g33kdating!