Compare average Fuel prices in Europe
This is a simple app just to let you know average Fuel prices in Europe countries. It may be useful for you:
• if you are planning to travel across Europe with your car and looking for cheaper fuel.
• if you think fuel prices are very expensive in your country - look at the map and see how much your neighbors pay for fuel.
• if you still think you're paying too much for fuel, compare ratios of average country wages and 50 litres of fuel (approx. full car tank).
• if you want to know all current European countries currency rates and calculate conversion to Euro.
• Fuel prices updated daily;
• You can choose your favorite countries and compare fuel prices;
• Compare prices with several month old prices.
• Compare how much you're paying for fuel according to your average wage.
• See interactive Europe map for all prices and ratios.
• Check for daily oil prices to expect fuel prices are going to raise or decrease.
• Current European countries currency rates.
• Enter actual price of fuel in your country and city so every app user can see it.
Please note: do not expect fuel prices are exact as you see in your local fuel station. Prices may vary in the same country 10 or more percent depending on a place and supplier.