fTS freelance timesheet helps track your time easily
Thanks to those who are still using fTS and my apologies to those who expected updates. To my great regret I won't be able to support fTS in foreseeable future. Thanks and sorry.
After trying several mobile apps for timesheet registration I ended up with developing another one for Android.
• Calendar view with colored indication
• Hourly and daily rate support
• Punch-in/punch-out including overnight support
• Expense registration
• Multiple currencies (one per project)
• Linking clients to your phone Contact list
• Pie chart reports (weekly, monthly, yearly) including Take home calculation with flat tax rate
• Tracking work location (optional) with Google Map display
• CSV and XML data export via e-mail
• Backup/Restore via XML file
For real time tracking place a shortcut fTS Time on a home screen; tap it to punch in; do your work; tap it another time to punch out and save you time record attributes.
Tested on Gingerbread and Froyo emulator, and also on HTC Desire with Android 2.2.
key words: timesheet, punch in, punch out, freelance