Every Flyer. One App.
What's New in 1.1:
- added Google Cloud Messaging for flyer updates
- minor bug fixes
FlyerFlo is the green way to deliver flyers, right to your fingertips using familiar gestures. Check out the latest deals from your favourite retailers on FlyerFlo, and then use the store locator to find the closest store - it's fun, easy, and FREE!
FlyerFlo is now live with flyers from select areas in Canada. We're constantly expanding to new areas and getting new flyers so follow us on Twitter @FlyerFloInc and on Facebook (www.facebook.com/FlyerFlo) for the latest updates!
If you have any questions, comments, or other feedback, please use the "Feedback" button in the app, or e-mail us at [email protected]. We always write back!