Find promotion or Point of Interest around you and advertise your business.
Super Location is a location based app that you can use to get more benefits such as discounts, promotions, bazaar and etc. You can also search reload mobile phone/electricity voucher seller that near with you too.
The application get your location through GPS then find the Super Location near your location. You can find promo, discount, event near your location.
You can find interesting Point of Interests around you such as ATM, Bank, Café, Museum etc.
You can see on the map that location and share to your friends through Facebook.
If you are a business owner you can submit your business info to the app by your self easily so all the user can know your business.
Ver 3.4.3
Fix minor bugs on phone call button
Ver 3.4.2
Improve search by keyword
Ver 3.4.1
Search point of interest based on keywords
Ver 3.4
Add point of interest page
Ver 3.3.1
Minor fixing for date expired and add comment
Ver 3.3
Add refresh and some minor improvements
Ver 3.2.1
Minor fixing bug
Ver 3.2
Add search
Ver 3.1
Add favorite
Ver 3.0
User can add their own promotion
Ver 2.5
Support screen variation
Ver 2.4
Minor fixing