Home Apps Life Entertainment EXODUS CONF

If you Participate in EXODUS CONF , This Application Will Definityly Be UseFul to You!

If you take part in EXODUS CONF , this application will definitely be useful to you!

You will find in it, among others:

- Agenda - see the whole plan

- favorite lectures - here you can check your individual plan

- speakers - meet speakers, lecturers, experts

- News - be up to date with what is happening at EXODUS CONF !

- organizer and partners - learn more about the main organizer and conference partners

- Notifications - Let nothing miss you!

EXODUS CONF combines elements of an inspiring conference and a unique festival. In his center is Jesus - a name that has been positively transforming the world since 2000 years and is a source of inspiration for millions of people around the world. It is not about promoting empty religiosity, but rather an incentive to take up the challenge to establish a relationship with the Creator. The event is directed to all who want to get closer to God or meet people who are fascinated by Him. EXODUS CONF is a time that enriches not only memories, but also with dreams and fresh energy to act, are four days filled with meetings, concerts, workshops and attractions that create a unique atmosphere in a modern setting.