Home Apps Travel Essence&CO

Compare fuel prices at nearby stations or on route.

Find the cheapest gas station, the nearest or on your route, and fill up on savings!


Find the cheapest gas station around you thanks to your phone's geolocation service or the interactive map.

Searches by criteria (type of fuel and distance) will help you quickly identify the best prices offered. Fuel prices change almost daily. Thanks to a database updated several times a day by the user community, you will no longer be mistaken about the station where you can fill up at the best price.

Identify the service stations offering AdBlue using the symbol located under the logos of the brands concerned.


- An independent and free service

- One of the very first applications launched in France (2008)

- Over 6 million downloads

- App made in France

Our users save an average of 100 euros over the year.

If you have specific questions or remarks, feel free to leave us comments or send an email to essence@ripplemotion.fr.

Good savings with Essence&CO!