Home Apps Newsletter Social EquipApp

EquipApp is Claro nxt's application to communicate with your network of contacts.

EquipApp is Claro nxt's application to communicate with your network of contacts.

With EquipApp, you can talk unlimited with any radio directly from your smartphone in a direct, practical and fast way, just have a smartphone with a processor starting at 1GHz and Android starting at 5.

What's more, it accompanies you wherever you are, just be connected to a 3G/4G or Wi-Fi network*.

Doubts? Access our website https://claro.com.br/categoria/para-voce-e-sua-familia/claro-nxt

*Call quality may vary depending on the data network used.

Tip: To use EquipApp on Dual chip devices, it is important to insert the chip into slot 1 of the device.

What's New in the Latest Version OMEGA-7-0-0-8

Last updated on Sep 18, 2021 Olá, tudo bem? Veja a seguir as melhorias mais recentes disponibilizadas para aprimorar ainda mais sua experiência na plataforma:
Redesign de telas
Encaminhamento de mensagens
Sons na notificação
Funcionalidade de tela dividida
Suporte completo ao Android 11
Telas alternativas dentro do app para gerenciar os contatos nativos
O aplicativo não tem mais suporte ao Android 4.4