The EasySocial app allows you to browse an EasySocial powered social network.
The EasySocial app allows you to browse an EasySocial powered social network from your smartphone.
Get EasySocial + Joomla on your fingertips. The app allows you to browse an EasySocial powered social network on your smartphone.
Push Notifications
User Registration
Manage Events
-Create Events
-Event Details
-Events Calendar
-Events Location
-Events Album
Leader Board
EasySocial Points
-List of groups
-Groups detail view
-View group discussion
-Like group discussions
-Search groups
-Join Groups
-List of friends
Add as friend
-Remove friend
-Friends with filters
- View all the messages
- Post messages
- Delete messages
- Browse all albums
- Create albums
- Delete albums
- Supports Like
- Add photos to albums
- Read and Write comments on Album and Photos
- Status update with the following support
Text share
- Photo + Text Share
- Link
- Mentions And Hashtags support
Remember Me! Login feature
- When the user gets logged in the mobile app, the Website URL and username will be saved into the app.
Open Link in Browser
- Any links that the app cannot handle are opened in a device default browser. This makes the stream and the blog content much more interactive!
Activity Stream Overhaul
- In order to have more features like “In App links” & many more features...
- Photo Zooming
- Stream filters
Make sure you have installed the latest EasySocial component on your website.
To install and configure com_api-
Note - Please install EasySocial version 2.x on your site and latest API package 1.8.8 from AppCarvers to make this version work. Google login works only on Android.