Home Apps Business Office DKV App

DKV App offers customers and prospective customers access to mobile services DKV.

With DKV App have customers and prospects access to mobile services to DKV Deutsche Insurance AG.

As a client you have direct access to the customer portal "My Insurance".

"My Insurance" is the personal customer area of ​​the ERGO Insurance Group.

Here you can their current contracts at ERGO, THE view and edit and DKV.

Imagine, based on the available mobile services, your personal menu itself together.

So that you always have quick access to the functions that are particularly important and interesting to you.

DKV App will automatically notify you when new functionality and services were provided.

The German DKV Health Insurance AG provides the app for free. Note that to use an Internet connection is required. The cost of use (eg for data transfer) depend on the rates of your network operator.

Please also note the terms of use of own app stores from which you download the DKV App. The App Store is solely responsible for the content of these Terms of Use.

DKV App is optimized for the latest version for smartphones.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.8.11

Last updated on Aug 8, 2022 Lieber DKV-App-Nutzer,

aus technischen Gründen werden wir die DKV-Kundenportal App nicht weiter unterstützen. Die App ist mit diesem Update deaktiviert. Wir bedanken uns bei Ihnen, dass Sie die App so lange genutzt haben.

Bitte nutzen Sie ab sofort die App „Meine DKV“. Nutzen Sie die folgenden DKV-Services:
• Zugang zum Portal „Meine Versicherungen“
• Adress- und Bankdatenänderung
• Reisekrankenversicherung
• Arzneimittel-Preisvergleich
• Arztsuche
• Elektronische Gesundheitsakte (eGA)