Live London Transport Tracker. Next London Bus and Next London Tube Checker.
All Transport for London (TfL) live times in one app. Includes live countdown displays for London Buses, London Tube, and Barclays Cycle Hire availability. Other live transport services, including trains and DLR coming soon.
- Live London Bus checker with countdown display of arrival times
- Live London Tube checker with countdown of arrivals.
- Live Barclays Cycle Hire space and dock availability
- Compass feature. Gives a real time GPS map, with direction and distance, to the closest bus, tube, and bike stations.
- Platform based tube countdown display based on the real world. Shows one countdown display per platform, rather than one per line as other apps.
- Inline, instant, search. Never struggle to find a bus, bike, or tube stop again
- Intuitive gesture based interface. Swipe from the left for a list of closest stops, with live compass. Swipe from the right for your favourites stops.
- 3D maps with full tilt, zoom, and rotate controls, showing you all transport stops just how you want them.
- Filter transport services to show only the services you use.
- Intelligent pre-loading of tube and bus arrival times for quicker access
- Rapid update cycle. We will keep this app updated with new features and improvements every few weeks.
All live bus, tube, and cycle data supplied by Transport for London (TfL).
Developed with love from MonkeySource. Please send us your feedback to help us understand the features you need.
Beta V1.2.2
- Docklands Light Railway (DLR) Departure boards added
- Improved bus labels in congested areas such as Oxford Street
Beta V1.2.1
- Accessibility improvements for TalkBack users
Beta V1.2.0
- New swipe through stops for List and Favourite views. This unique feature lets you quickly check nearby stops, or all your favourites, by simply swiping through them.
- Intelligent pre-loading of tube and bus arrival times