Home Apps Travel DEM1

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In order to visualize maps in 3D, and to obtain accurate info about the height of a given point at a map, GPS navigation and map viewing apps need digital elevation models (DEM).

DEM1 eases the download of those models in SRTM standard (.hgt extension), wich is used to several apps, like OruxMaps. The data downloaded by DEM1 are, specifically, in SRTM1 standard, what means that its resolution is the best available at the moment in this format (1 arcsecond, or ~100 feet) which is much better than the commonly downloaded by other apps, in SRTM3 standard (3 arcsecond, or ~300 feet).

The advantages of using such precise data are evident. Often, when we are planning a route at home, we don't have a precise perception of our track's profile, something vital if we practise mountain bike or trekking. Other times, we found ourselves in the middle of the mountain, with mist, and equipped with a GPS navigator with a map that doesn't include accurate contour lines (like ortophotos, most of the online maps and several offline).

Differences between SRTM1 and SRTM3 are obvious, and easily appreciable opening a map in any viewer, switching from a SRTM3 and a SRTM1 DEM.

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What's New in the Latest Version 2.2

Last updated on Nov 13, 2015 v.2.2: Some bugs solved.