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A quick tool for calculating exposure times when taking night time photographs

Night time photography consistantly produces some of the most stunning photographs on the planet. Dark Skies is here to help you optimize those photographs. The longer you expose a digital camera sensor to light the more photons it is able to detect, thus the longer you can expose your cameras sensor to the night sky, the more stars you will see in the pictures. There is a catch though, because the earth is moving, if you expose the camera too long the stars will blur, when done intentionally this effect can be stunning, but sometimes that is not the desired result. To use Dark Skies, simply select your Camera, and the focal legnth of your lense, and Dark Skies will use the 600 rule to calculate how long of an exposure you can have. Thanks for downloading Dark Skies.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.2

Last updated on Oct 25, 2015 Thanks for all the feedback, Now you can select the exact crop factor if you prefer. Time is now show to 2 decimal places, and the flashlight feature is available for easy use while taking your photographs at night.