Home Apps Travel CPC Near Me

A best program for searching the CPC gas station in Taiwan.

CPC (Chinese Petroleum Corporation) is the major petroleum enterprise in Taiwan. Due to the users may have the preferences to reach their gasoline station, this program demo the stations nearby on map. In addition, a route is thus planed if you want to get the drive direction. Last but not least, Google Map V3 API is used.

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Aug 13, 2015 V3.9.9 Data update.
V3.9.5 Update the position module in the list. Data update.
V3.9.2 Data update (埔墘站有自助加油功能, reported by Mr. Tsai) and auto save the database directory.
V3.9.1 KuAD is included.
V3.9 Set the database in the SD card and also update the data.
V3.8 Auto switch of the location detection by GPS or Network.
V3.7.3 To update the record with a long location.