Home Apps Educational Learning Cotto e Mangiato

The New Magazine for a Kitchen Fast, Easy But Quality.

Cotto e Mangiato the new magazine for fast, easy but quality cuisine. In every number over ninety recipes, with chef's advice and suggestions to make even the simplest dishes unique. And in addition the cooking school, the advice on wines to combine with the dishes, the most useful kitchen tools, the suggestions on how to decorate the table and the recipes for small chefs. A section is dedicated to recipes for intolerant and particular power supply with particular attention to seasonal products and "zero kilometer".

This application allows you to purchase and read the digital copy of the magazine, from Italy and abroad every month, enriched with multimedia content.

The download of the app is free, all content can be used with purchase in app for monthly exits and with subscription formulas made previously through the site http://www.contieriore.it

** The application is optimized for tablets and top range smartphones with 1280x720 screen resolution and with Android 4 operating system and subsequent versions **