See the situation and month of Vehicle Licensing Only Using the Card!
See traditional plates or mercosur plate
Consult traditional plates or mercosur plate. See vehicles using only the board for technical information and Renavan for fines consultation. The query for the board is easy and fast.
Also refer to the licensing of the vehicle by the plate quickly.
➲ Check license plate by Denatran and Detran
➲ Vehicle Consultation - Just type the plate number to check information on theft or theft of any vehicle in Brazil registered in any Detran.
Get the following vehicle data:
• Vehicle situation (vehicle in circulation or stolen vehicle)
• Find out if the plate is cloned
• Plate origin UF
• Month of vehicle licensing;
• Vehicle brand
• Vehicle model
• Vehicle color
• Vehicle year
• Year of the model
• Vehicle City
• Vehicle chassis
• Fines of the vehicle with Renavan
• Vehicle licensing with Renavan
• Vehicle debts with Renavan
• Consult the price of car based on the Fipe Offline table
You can:
Consult a car license plate
Consult motorcycle plate
See truck plate
Consult Utility Plate
Consult car
Motorcycle fines
Among others!
It is possible to consult fines and debts directly by the state's Detran with Renavan
See vehicle by plate. Just enter the plate.
Consult without captcha. Without having to type captcha
Consult a car
Check free vehicle. Fully 100% free.
Consulting a vehicle plate is a safe way to know the legal situation of the car in question. Know if it was stolen or not. Through the plate you can get the main data from the automobile.
The Detran Plate query app is a safe way to identify the legal situation of the vehicle in question. Identifying whether the car consulted has been stolen or not. Through the plate you can get the main data from the automobile.
The Plate Vehicle consultation accesses the Portal Os Detran data through the Sinesp Citizen Portal to bring the information.
All information provided by the Consulting Plate app is updated weekly by data collected directly from the ANP (National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels) portal)
You also have access to the history of your queries. That way you can see the plates of the vehicles you have already consulted and consult again.
Remarks: - All data is searched in the Denatran database. - There is no possibility of presenting more data, as Denatran does not make available for security reasons.