Home Apps Business Office Color Filters in Android SDK

Demonstration and design application for Color Filters in the Android Framework.

This application is built for Android software engineers, but anyone can have fun with it!


 • Live preview

 • Pick any image you want

 • ...even transparent animated GIFs

 • Smooth color picker

 • Different color swatches

 • Built-in custom keyboards

 • Generate code

 • Share preview with code

 • Full state auto-save


The documentation of the classes extending android.graphics.ColorFilter is pretty thin, and creating filters based on these to achieve the wanted effects may not be trivial. This application lets you try all the possible parameter combinations with a live preview of your chosen image.

Supported Classes

Currently (API Level 22 / M 5.1) all built-in color filters in the android.graphics package and the support library's palette classes are supported.

 • Palette/Swatch

 • ColorMatrixColorFilter

 • LightingColorFilter

 • PorterDuffColorFilter

For more information see:




Read external storage to load images for preview

Write external storage for capturing images from the camera and sharing previews

Any feedback is warmly welcome and will be taken into consideration!

This is not an official Google product. Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

What's New in the Latest Version 3.1.0#333-64aa349

Last updated on Sep 20, 2023 3.1.0#333-64aa349 (2023-08-30)
* Feature: Android 13 (API 33) compatibility

3.0.0#165-ce585af (2022-04-02)
* Feature: Open Source on GitHub
* Internal: latest and greatest tools and tech

2.0.0#2722 (2019-02-07)
* Fix: Permissions update: less and on-demand

2.0.0#2710 (2018-10-21)
* Internal: all latest, Kotlin, modularization

For more see http://www.twisterrob.net/project/color-filters/#history