Home Apps Travel Brussels Transports

A feature-rich alternative app for the Brussels public transport services.

Plan your journey and monitor Brussels public transports efficiently.

WARNING: This application will stop working on november 12th, when STIB/MIVB will shut down the old APIs it uses. It will then be removed from the Google Play Store.

Brussels Transports will come back in a new form but probably not before the end of 2020. A complete redesign of the code and the setup of a new server will be required, and I don't have the time for this massive work right now. I would like to personally thank all the users for trusting this project since January 2013.

This application provides the same features as the official one, plus the following:

- Beautiful Material Design with subtle animations, available in light and dark variants

- Proximity alert: the application warns you when it's time to step out of the vehicle when it's arriving at your destination stop. Requires WiFi to be enabled and does not work underground

- Access nearby stops list directly on application startup

- Tabs on home page for faster access to the different sections

- Use fast scroll to find the desired line easily, or display the lines as a grid

- Quickly access connections of a stop through a contextual menu (NEW)

- Animated and colored waiting time counters

- Current time highlighted in timetables

- Quickly switch between recent stops thanks to a dedicated sliding menu

- Create direct shortcuts to stops on your home screen

- Uses Google Maps v2 (in 3D) to show nearby stops

- Visualize itineraries and real time position of vehicles on a map

- List the news related to a specific line

- Compute directions between stops using Google Maps

- Includes a resizable modern bookmarks widget

- DashClock Widget extension (Android 4.2+)

- View the metro maps

- Android Beam support: transfer waiting times through NFC to other Android devices, including target devices where the application is not installed

- Also optimized for tablets

- Very fast and lightweight app.

It's also fully optimized for visually impaired people.

This application uses the public data provided by STIB/MIVB and is not officially affiliated in any way with this company.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.4.3

Last updated on May 9, 2018 2.4.3
Fixed a crash occurring when the widget is used while the location permission has not been granted.
- Added an option to show the bookmarks tab first
- Public announcement notifications are now shown in a label at the bottom of the screen instead of an intrusive dialog.
Optimized the app for Android 8. Minimum supported version: 4.0.3