Home Apps Travel Breaker Breaker 1-9

Breaker Breaker 1-9 is a next-generation trucking logistics app for Android.

Breaker Breaker 1-9 is a next-generation trucking logistics app for Android. Currently in a free beta, this is your opportunity to get in early and help shape the best logistics app in the world. With an exciting list of coming features, we're going to revolutionize the way you do your business.

We like to keep it simple- you have enough to worry about! Not only does BB19 work with you without you texting, we're adding voice control to keep you even safer.

Current version

-Trucker reported alerts for “bears, weather conditions, road closures, accidents and coops (open and closed)”

-Weather breakdowns unique to truckers:



-Ice on the roads

-High winds

-Road Closures

-Traffic Accident

-Heavy Rain

-Constantly updated for accuracy

-BB19 is the ONLY smartphone and tablet app that warns truckers of DOT Shakedown periods and locations

Upcoming features-

-Average truck speed for a given stretch of road, presented to users automatically during important situations,

like an accident or road closure.

-Average wait time at a “coop”

-Reported Fuel Prices

-Pre loaded Points of Interest

-Rest stop locations and open/closed status- we let you “check in” to give others a notice of your location

-Overnight truck parking lots

-Truck washes

-Fuel stations (Petro, Sheetz, AM Best, Flying J, Loves etc)


-"Family Follow"-Mobile and web lets truckers families and friends view your trip

-Voice commands

-Deals and coupons specifically for truckers (by local truck stops and vendors etc) sent to your mobile

-Share your status with other synced contacts- let other truckers know where you're headed

- Freight Load Board Sneak Peak

-Freight matching / Freight brokerage for freight load boards - we generate a list of possible shipping loads and let you bid on them before you reach your destination. We keep you fully loaded destination to destination. Find "back-haul" directly from your current local. Our freight matching allows you to receive AUTOMATICALLY generated suggestions based on your destination and trucking needs. We do FTL and LTL because we care!

-Relays ETA to your destination, managing time and expectations

-Virtual CB- lets you in app message other truckers in your area when you stop

Check out our website at http://breakerbreaker1-9.com for a full list of current and coming features!

What's New in the Latest Version 1.2.1

Last updated on Jul 22, 2015 Added Points of Interest including
* Fuel Stations
* Truck Stops
* Rest Areas
* Truck Washes
* Walmarts

UI improvements:
* Tap one of the new POI to find out a little extra information (more soon!)
* Turn on/off fuel station POI and road condition alerts
* Voice commands coming soon!
* Freight matching coming soon!