Home Apps Travel Bicicleting for bicing

Get Bicing's stations status and draw routes between them.

Get Bicing's stations status and draw routes between them!

This application tries to give information about the status of Barcelona Bicing stations trying to be helpful, intuitive and effective.

The classification of the stations' status is given by a graduation colors from green to red to alert the user if the bicycles or the spaces available are approaching its limit by adding a numeric warning.

With bicicleting you can:

- Grouping the stations are near your home, your work, visit often or are your favorites.

- Visit each station detail to view the stations' status close second database.

- View all the stations on an interactive map where you can filter the results by groups created by yourself.

- Search for bicing stations by street's name

- Draw routes on map between locations or stations.

Please, if you find any errors, you have a problem or you want to make any suggestions please email us.

- Information about the stations provided by Citybikes: http://citybik.es

What's New in the Latest Version 2.1.1

Last updated on Feb 3, 2016 Versión 2.1.1:

- map position bug solved.