Read the Bible in Tagalog Language - Revised
Bibliya sa Tagalog (the former Bible)
- Easy access to verses, browsing testaments, books and chapters.
- Reads the plans: multiple plans to read the Bible in 30, 45, 60, 90, 180 or 365 days. (Free/Pro)
- Continue reading from the last verse to a click!
- (New) Desktop Widget: Read random verses per hour.
- Settings, configure the app in an easy way.
- Drag from left to right to go to the previous chapter/plan. Drag from right to left to go to the next chapter/plan.
- Copy verse to clipboard
- New design with actionbar!
- New iconpack
- Easy chapter nagivation.
- Bookmark verses.
- centralized management of bookmarks.
- Share verses on social media and messaging apps.
- Search verse in chapter, a book, a covenant or throughout the Bible.
- Random verse on homepage.
- Change font size for a comfortable read.
To get more features buy "Tagalog Bible Pro"
- Read the Bible in landscape / horizontal or vertical mode.
- All reading plans are activated.
- For convenient reading Select from three different contrast modes (day, night and gold).
- No ads.
- improved speed.