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Bhagavad Gita Slokas and their meanings in Telugu.

*Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum*

"An ultimate source of divine knowledge blessed upon us by lord krishna.

This dialog started between warrior Arjuna and his charioteer lord Krishna, when Arjuna denounced the war.

Bhagavad Gita simply called Gita is a part of ancient Hindu epic Mahabharata which is traditionally ascribed to Veda Vyasa."

This app displays all slokas of 18 adyayas of Bhagavad Gita as chapter wise.

All Slokas are in Telugu script. you can navigate through slokas in a chapter or search for a specific number sloka.

Currently we have kept the meanings only for few slokas that to in 1st adyaya. in our next release we will give the complete meanings. and will try to add more features.

We hope all Telugu users will use this app useful and we give us their valuable feedback.


1. after installation:

open the application by clicking on the launch icon.

the first page is to navigate to the adyaya by entering number from 1 to 18 on the field and click on view.

2. by clicking on the navigation button or searching by entering the sloka number you will be able to see the sloka in Telugu

3. there are navigation buttons on either side of the sloka to move next or previous slokas.even you have menu items to move front or back. please check

Thank you all for using Bhagavad Gita(telugu) app.

Now we have added the meaning for every sloka.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.0

Last updated on Jan 11, 2017 Corrected one sloka in 18th chapter.
Please give me your valuable feedback to make this app a good one.