Bhagavad Gita app with note taking, 10 languages, 10 commentaries, and sharing.
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This Bhagavad Gita app is especially targeted at students of the great text. It is the only app to enable user notes for each verse. The verses can be set in 10 different languages. The verses can be studied through 10 important commentaries, including word-by-word meaning. You can easily copy the contents of the verses and commentaries, and share with other apps.
The verses can be viewed with multiple language choices:
- Bengali
- Gujarati
- Kannada
- Malayalam
- Oriya
- Punjabi
- Sanskrit
- Tamil
- Telugu
Multiple commentary sources can be chosen for each verse.
This includes word-by-word meaning (currently meaning is only in English).
The following commentaries by acclaimed saints are included:
- Sri Shankaracharya (Sanskrit)
- Sri Ramanujacharya (Sanskrit)
- Sri Madhavacharya (Sanskrit)
- Swami Chinamayananda (Hindi)
- Swami Tajomayananda (Hindi)
- Swami Ramsukhdas (Hindi)
- Swami Gambhirananda (English)
- Swami Adidevananda (English)
- Swami Sivananda (English)