BeePhone, your work phone.
BeePhone is your work phone. It is the first mobile application that allows companies to assume the cost of those professional calls that their employees make from their own telephone.
When contracting the service to Enreach, the company will have to provide us with the telephone numbers of the employees that it wishes to authorize for the use of BeePhone. And from that moment on, the cost of the calls made by these employees with BeePhone will be fully borne by the company, with rates up to 80% cheaper than those of traditional mobile operators.
Using BeePhone is extremely simple: after downloading the application, the employee will have to validate their mobile phone number and they can immediately start calling.
BeePhone includes two modes of use:
1. Traditional telephony ("double call" method)
2. Telephony over IP (Voice IP)
In the configuration section of the app you can choose the preferred modality, among the following:
1. Use IP Voice with Wifi/3G/4G
2. Use IP Voice only with Wifi
3. Always ask: before launching each call, the app will ask you for the preferred method to make it.
4. Never use VoIP: calls will always be made using the “double call” method.
When the “Voice IP” method is activated, calls will be launched directly by pressing a phone number from the contact list, or by entering a number from the BeePhone keyboard.
When the call is launched using the “double call” method, you will receive an incoming call from the “BeePhone” contact. Go off-hook and let the dial tone ring until your contact answers the call.
The price of this call will be assumed by your company, even if you made it from your mobile phone.
BeePhone is the new Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) solution from Enreach's catalog of advanced cloud telephony services. BYOD company policy encourages employees to use their own mobile devices as a work tool. In this way, the company drastically reduces its spending on mobile telephony and gains in agility and comfort.