Home Apps Practical Tools BeautyCamera Plus

BeautyCamera Plus Detects and analyzes spots, and dull objects and refine image

BeautyCamera Plus automatically detects and analyzes face curves, spots, and dull objects and can refine whole image in every click.It automatically works on fairness of your beautiful face. BeautyCamera Plus works on some basic principals and feature extraction. Feature extraction can be done by manipulating brightness ,contrast with sharpness other.


❤❤❤❤BeautyCamera Plus will be a best automation tool to get instant beauty of your photos❤❤❤❤


BeautyCamera Plus does apply deblurring or noise reduction filters to a standard image to make it more clear and glossy. For all young men or wen you will loved this soft camera application for free.

---===Basic Features===---

❤ Instant glossy Look

❤ Auto smoothness.

❤ Adjust sharpness using slide controller

❤ Adjust contrast using slide controller

❤ Share via all social plugins.

❤ Auto redundancy removal.