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Example which shows how to do dynamic implementation of a sliding out menu.

Android Sliding Menu Implementation

Sliding Menu Implementation Example is an example app, which shows how to do implementation of an Android library SlidingMenu developed by Jeremy Feinstein. It has two different approaches. First one demonstrates left side sliding out menu with a list fragment, as a content, filled with data loaded from XML file. Second one demonstrates left side sliding out menu with a list fragment, as a content, filled with data loaded from a class.

SlidingMenu Android library can be found at GitHub at https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu.

Free icons used in this app are taken from http://www.androidicons.com.

Please feel free to grab the source of this app at the GitHub by pressing little octocat icon in the ActionBar and use it anywhere you want at your Android projects.


I hope you will find it clear and useful!


Andrius Baruckis