Auto SMStoEMAIL app can help to forward your SMS messages to your email.
Auto SMStoEMAIL app can help to forward your SMS messages to your email. You just need to use your Gmail account and input the email that you would like your SMS messages to be forwarded.
* If you get less secure apps message you can go to google security and Allow less secure apps: ON
* This app don't support 2-Step Verification google account so you can create new google account to use.
All your personal data is privacy and confidential.
Key words:
SMS,Email,Auto,Send email
-ver 1.4
add checking of sending email
add new function: if get the SMS while not connected to the Internet. Then the SMS messages will reconnect to send those messages to email.
-ver 1.3
improve english word
-ver 1.2
Bug Fix
-ver 1.1
Bug Fix