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Want to find apps that were made for you?

Want to know which apps your friends are downloading?

The +apps shows you all this and more!

+Apps is a social app that helps you find the best apps for you based on your tastes and what your friends are downloading.

Connect with Facebook to make your social experience get even better!

In addition, the +apps has a selection of finger -chosen apps by those who understand the subject to help you choose the best app.

See the free app of the day and get notifications of apps that were paid and became free.

Receive app recommendations that are all about you.

Just choose your profile and +apps suggests the best apps.

+ Games: Reasoning, Action and Adventure, Running, Fight E + ...

+ Sport and Health: Diet, Football, Running, Brasileirão and + ...

+ Information and education: magazines, news, online courses and + ...

+ Kids: drawings, games, games for your child and + ...

+ Photos and videos: effects, camera, editing, movies, clips and + ...

+ Music and Cinema: Radio Online, Movies, Players and + ...

+ Travel and Tourism: Tickets, Places, Hotels, Points and + ...

+ Productivity and finance: calculator, text editor, organization and + ...

+ Lifestyle: restaurants, recipes, shopping, promotions and + ...

With the +apps everything is easier and more practical in your Android.

Let the +apps help you look for what really matters to you.

Don't be left out!

What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.1

Last Updated on APR 8, 2016 - Adjustments for sending notifications