Anti Snoop will help you catch people who snoop and spy on your phone
Due to changes in Android following the release of Android 5.0, AntiSnoop is currently not compatible with devices running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and upwards.
Ever had someone snoop or spy on your phone? Did you wonder what they looked at? Maybe you have an insecure partner who reads your messages, a sneaky trickster friend who sets early morning alarms on your days off, or an inquisitive child who reads whatever they can find. If so, Anti Snoop is for you.
Anti Snoop is a spy application that runs silently in the background and logs the name, open time, close time and duration used of every application that is opened. If enabled, Anti Snoop will also snap a picture of the person who unlocked your phone. It is a counter spying app to aide catching those who would spy and snoop on you.
There are certain applications on your phone that people shouldn't look at - text messaging, password storing programs and banking applications to name a few. If you see a log in Anti Snoop that shows these apps were used and you know that you didn't use them at that time and remember leaving your phone unattended, chances are someone has spied on you. This information will allow you to confront those who break your trust or just be aware that some spying is occurring.
• Logging (app name, date/time opened and closed, total duration)
• Screen to preview this snap shot with contrast/brightness sliders to help identifying with poor lighting
• Password protection
• Ignore list (filtering) to filter out apps in the logs you don't care about seeing (ie games)
• Auto log deletion for logs older than 1,2 or 4 weeks
• (Premium) Scheduling Anti Snoop to start
• (Premium) Photograph the snooper with front camera when phone unlocked
• (Premium) No advertising
Note : Anti Snoop does not show you what they looked at when they ran an application. It only shows you that they used it along with some time metrics. For example, It will not tell you what messages they read, only that they used the text messaging application at 2pm for 10 minutes.
From the devices that I've tested it on (listed below), I have not noticed any significant impact on battery life.
• Samsung Galaxy S4 (4.2.2)
• Samsung Galaxy S2 (custom rom)
• Motorola razr m (4.1.2)
• Nexus 5 (4.4)
• Nexus 7 (4.4)
• Motorola Moto G (4.4.4)