AndroSensor Keep Awake - WakeLock support for Sensor Recording.
*** This app is a patch for AndroSensor. It is not a standalone app and it does not run alone.
It only works with AndroSensor version 1.9.6 and later. ***
"AndroSensor Keep Awake" is an addon for AndroSensor. It enables AndroSensor to acquire a WakeLock while the recording is active, ensuring that your device will never sleep while it is recording sensor data. The WakeLock is only used when AndroSensor is recording, not when it is active.
Some Q&A:
Question: Why is this necessary?
Answer: Usually, it's not. Some kernels, to save battery power, force the device to fall in `sleep` when the screen turns off, shutting down parts of the system (like sensors, apps running in background and so on..), even when the android system is doing some job. The "Keep Awake" addon will ensure that your device will stay awake while the recording is active.
Question: When should I use this?
Answer: If you use AndroSensor's recording function, but you see inconsistency when processing the CSV file, like there is a great time gap between two recorded rows, or when after some time recording, all values stay unchanged for long periods of time.
Question: How does it work?
Answer: This patch contains the required permission (android.permission.WAKE_LOCK) and the code to keep the device awake while AndroSensor is recording sensor data in a CSV file. It doesn't do anything if you don't have AndroSensor installed, or if you don't use AndroSensor's recording function.
Question: It seems I need a WakeLock for recording with AndroSensor. How do I use this addon?
Answer: You just install it and that's it. No hidden triggers or options. AndroSensor will do the rest next time you use the sensor recorder.
Question: So why did you not include this functionality in the main program and use this addon?
Answer: WakeLocks can rarely cause random issues (like battery leaks, random reboots etc...), plus it is one extra permission that the majority of AndroSensor users will never need. For the few who need a WakeLock, this addon will do the job.
* For more information, please visit AndroSensor's website. Also, please be encouraged to email me at [email protected] to report a bug, suggest an improvement or just ask a question about the app.
*** Thank you! ***