All Weather Information & Zone information
All Weather Information & Zone info for Android device.Provides info detailed of weather instantly for all cities worldwide, it capable for searching your address and locates cities quickly, and provides the current temperature, current weather condition, humidity, pressure and wind chill and wind speed and wind direction, in addition, five days and hourly weather forecast. Weather app for Android, is free for money and adds
Weather for Android supports a wide range of Android phones; it supports Android Version 2.3 and higher.
App Features:
- Weather supports Geo-positioning, retrieving the latest weather conditions for your current location of city or area.
- You can manually add your location
- Full support for Android TV
- Hourly and weekly forecasts
- Supported all screen resolutions
- Offers quality support for Android devices - from Android 2.3 up to last update
- Option to change the temperature to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit
- Provides present forecast information condition and five days weather forecast visibility
- 5-Day and Hourly Weather update information
- Weather icon status view
- Searches for all cities in the world by country and city or zip code
- Auto location detection
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